Our biennial international conference on plastic pollution from MACRO to nano will be held during the originally planned dates 23-27 Nov. 2020.
Under COVID conditions it will be substantially online-based.
We are working hard to make this 3rd edition of MICRO a chance to keep all the online content open access and contribute to fostering a collaborative effort among our continuously expanding MICRO community.
We are more than 2000 authors with around 500 communications;
a dense programme for the coming 23-27 of November. Dear MICRO community,
It's our enormous pleasure to share with you the webpage that will host this year's online MICRO edition :

It's a work in progress; Monday is all set -almost ;)-, but the rest needs some adjustments during the next 2 days;
it will also be our common effort to improve it during the conference, Monday 23 to Friday 27, next week.
We encourage you to take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the online platform and related tools...
The session content will be available live once the session starts.
We can ask questions and bring constructive comments to the speakers via each session's dedicated pad, you will see a link for the pad below the other session section info; for example this poster session one.
An enormous thanks to the Scientific Committee for their nice work on the abstract review process
and their engagement throughout the planning and forthcoming sessions.
We are in the process of contacting local nodes, arranging sessions, and contacting related chair persons;
these pieces will be set by monday 23th.
It will be a unique 3rd edition of MICRO; an important moment to share the past 2 years' research and define the baseline for those to come.
For MICRO 2016, we were 300, in 2018 we were 600, and for this 2020 edition we are more than one thousand participants. As our community continues growing, we need to think about how to connect moving forward; MICRO 2020 is a chance for that.
Stay tuned !