Presentation Guidelines

Online Poster presentations:
A0 format is our favourite one... ;)
Please upload your poster from now to November 10th through the link you received by e-mail.
UPLOAD your poster as a .pdf, and
include the number of your abstract in the title
-your abstract number is the 6-digit number starting with 3xxxxx that you can find in your submission confirmation e-mail-.
Posters will be displayed online for the duration of the conference,
with scheduled opportunities for participants to discuss the work with the author/s.


Online Oral presentations:
Each oral presentation is part of a session on a dedicated streaming channel,
each session includes 4-5 speakers with their presentations and is facilitated by a chairperson who will moderate and wrap up the session.
Each session for oral presentations looks like:
    . very brief introduction from the chairperson;
    . first speaker's pre-recorded 7' presentation;
    . live online-video-talk* between the 1st speaker and the chair;
    . second speaker's pre-recorded 7' presentation;
    . live online-video-talk* between the 2nd speaker and the chair;
    . third speaker's pre-recorded 7' presentation;
    . live online-video-talk* between the 3rd speaker and the chair;
    . fourth speaker's pre-recorded 7' presentation;
    . live online-video-talk* between the 4th speaker and the chair;
    . live 10' wrap-up online video-discussion between the 2-3 chairs of parallel sessions (if any); this will connect the different sessions and make a start at composing the highlights.
(* the live online-video-talk will draw from questions and comments posed by participants via an online text-based forum during the pre-recorded presentations.)
To prepare your 7' pre-recorded presentation:
. you can upload your video from now to November 15th through the link you received by e-mail.
. record your presentation in a video format directly from your computer;
. 7 minutes is the maximum length -- longer videos will be automatically cut to 7'*....*Sounds brusque, but we are a lot of presenters and we need to put borders on the definition of what 7' means ;)
. keep the main screen focused on your slides; your face (or a cat) can appear in a small sub-screen in your video if you wish. You will be in full screen during the live online-video-talk with the chairperson, after the pre-recorded presentation;
. include the number of your abstract (see your submission confirmation email) as the prefix for your video file name (eg., 3xxxxx_YourNAME.videoFormatExtension).
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